Sorry for not updating the blog lately. We had a trip planned and then there was a business trip to Japan so I have been a little busy at work lately. I also tried to get all of this updated last week, but the blog was not cooperating. The format is difficult to use. By the third update, I was ready to throw the computer out the window... Anyway, here they are.
Disney has a Halloween month in October. We looked into prices and ended up finding a good deal on a hotel. We had a three day weekend and I stretched it into a five day weekend - my first vacation days since I came to Japan. There are actually two parks - Disneyland and Disney Sea. We went to Disney Sea the first day.

This is the hotel that we stayed at. I can't remember the name but it was next to the Disney monorail.
Elin's sensei helped us book a room which I thought was about $230 per night. A little expensive, but isn't everything at Disney expensive? When we were leaving on Wednesday, she handed me the receipt for the room and it was $230 total for two nights.
Woohoo! Bonus...

Denny and Savannah a the hotel 'photo op' station. They had costumes to dress up in, but we were in a hurry to get to Disney.

Savannah on the bus to the monorail. Just about everything has mouse ears on in...

Savannah and Denny outside Disney. We thought the suit of armor was kind of cool so we took a picture of it. There is a lot of visual things at Disney. There are a lot of rides, but you just find yourself looking around all the time. And it is loud as Disney... See some of the videos below. It seems like everywhere you go, there is some loud music playing.

This is a globe fountain just outside the park entrance. I think if you look closely, you can see the water that is pouring down the globe.

You can see the large volcano as you enter the park. This is similar to the view that you have when you walk into Disneyland except you walk into the park looking at Cinderella's castle.

View of the lake, ship and volcano. I just finished reading the book 'Pirate Latitudes' so this park was kind of neat. Almost living some of the book.

Another view of the lake from the other side of the ship. The buildings in the background are hotels within the park. I don't know how much they cost per night, but I assume it is a lot.

Picture of the castle at the base of the volcano. I was hoping that you could walk through the entire castle, but most of it is for show only.

Denny at the top of the stairs on the ship.

Another view of the castle. I thought the ramp and the cart hauling supplies up the side of the hill was neat looking. The view was nice with the volcano in the background.
Elin and Savannah in the cargo ship.
View of the entire ship.

Savannah waiting in line at the Scuttle ride. Scuttle is the bird in The Little Mermaid. Savannah had recently figured out how to put pig-tails in her hair so she was sporting this hair-do for about 2 weeks.

Me and the kids waiting for the jellyfish ride. You can see the trend starting, can't you? Wait, wait, wait. We waited about 45 minutes to an hour for each ride. I timed the jellyfish ride. It was 59 seconds... Needless to say, we only got to ride 6 or 7 rides.
Elin and Savannah on the jellyfish ride.

The kids and I again. Probably waiting in line again.

Savannah and Denny in line for another ride. There was a bubble tank behind them. It kept us occupied while we waited.
Elin and the kids at Jasmine's fountain. We only could get part of the fountain because there
was a Japanese woman who took about 50 pictures of her daughter on the fountain before we could get close to it. She proceeded to take pictures even after we squeezed in.

Tunnel to the
Aladdin area of the park.

This was a large ship - the Colombia - in the park.
We wanted to go in, but there was an hour wait and the light show was going to start about the same time we would have gotten to the boat. So we passed on it.

A Japanese couple and I took turns taking pictures of each other in the delivery truck. It was parked near the food court in the 'America' section. We ate at the sandwich shop. It was the best food we had all day. Even the kids enjoyed the turkey sandwich they bought. I had a roast beef and
Elin had a
Reuben. You can't buy lunch meat in the grocery like you can in the US so we have not had sandwiches for a while.
View from the hotel on the first night.
Riding the elevator down to the lobby in the hotel. Basically, the hotel is a huge hollow building with the rooms making up the walls.
This is the monorail that takes you to the park. There are four stops on the monorail. Two go to the parks and two stop at hotels. It is very convenient.
Walking towards the castle. Note the music sound level.
Inside the Ariel 'Under the Sea' area. It was a hot day so we spent a lot of time in here trying to stay out of the sun.
Dragon that comes out of the lake. I had Savannah on my shoulders so it was a little difficult to take this movie. Again, note the music sound level.
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