While Dad was still here, we wanted to go to
Nikko, but everyone seemed to be having cold/flu issues. We decided to stay local. I have never been to the
Utsunomiya Zoo so we decided to spend the day there.

A picture of the landscape on the way to the zoo.

We got to the zoo a little early so we decided to take a ride through the area. It is a bit rural so we thought it would be interesting. We went through this tunnel and
Elin wanted to get a picture. Kind of a tight squeeze - and we have a small car!!

The whole family at the photo op area. Can you find flat Stanley? Savannah's friend Conner sent him to us so we could show him around Japan. He missed our Kyoto trip, but he went to 2 different grocery stores, Round 1, the Zoo,
Nikko (next blog entry) as well as Tokyo and
Narita Airport. I think we tired him out...

At the
Utsunomiya Zoo, you can go into the monkey house. We were not allowed to feed them, but they were tame enough that they would jump on your back. This is me with the monkey on my back again...

We were able to feed the penguins, though. The kids received 5 fish each. They threw them into the water and the penguins would swoop around to pick them off.

One of the wolves was not so happy with the other one. The one laying down kept growling at the other as it walked around.

This is a picture of an ACTUAL
tanuki. The
tanuki if you remember is the mascot of
Mashiko town. Typically, he is depicted with his privates hanging out. We have yet to figure out why. I thought it was funny that they call it a raccoon dog because I have been asked several times what the American equivalent to a
tanuki is. I always say raccoon...

They also had three or four huge porcupines. They are a lot bigger than I expected them to be.

Two of the snow monkeys keeping warm.

One of the goats eye-balling me. "Ewe" got a problem? What are "ewe" staring at?

The elephant figured out that if he stretches out, people can feed him across the water barrier.
Lookin' down the barrel of a trunk... The end of his trunk was surprisingly agile - almost like a hand. It was cool.

I think he may have been trained at some point because after I gave him the food, he did several poses for me. Unfortunately, I didn't have any more food to give him so after about his fifth pose, he blew snot at me through his trunk... nice.

Denny feeding the monkeys. I am not sure this was allowed, but we couldn't resist. The zoo sells small bags of vegetables to give to the animals so if it was that big of an issue, I think they would stop selling them... Yeah, that's a rationalization if I ever heard one.

Just hanging around... These monkeys didn't do much else except for hanging on the bars.

They had puppies that the kids could play with. Denny took to them quickly. I have had several dreams after this that the kids somehow got dogs as pets...

The zoo also had
Guinea pigs that
the kids could play with. I thought it was interesting that they were in a crate in an open area with no zoo worker watching over the kids and pigs.

Savannah at the zoo.
Elin was having a bad hair day, but I assured her it didn't look that bad... Just kidding this is a picture of one of the birds at the zoo. I had you going didn't I?

If I remember right, this is a snow owl. Or else, I just made that up... either way, you get the picture.

Another owl.

Savannah playing at the zoo playground.
Elin in the monkey house.

One of the cooler things you can do is feed the
giraffe. They look big, but when they bring their heads down to take the food, you realize just how big they are. Their heads alone are about as big as Denny is. They stick out their long purple tongues to get the food. I tried to touch them several times, but they were not
having any of that...
So... What is on the agenda for this morning?
1) Rattle the cage. Check.
2) Kick the wall. Check.
3) Jump up on the upper level and kick the window. Check.
4) Slam self against the bars. Check.
5) Clap hands and run away. Check.
Whew... busy morning.
So.... what is the plan for the afternoon?
1) Pound on the wall. Check.
2) Clap Hands again. Check.
3) Throw self against bars again. Check.
4) Throw leaves at zoo visitors. Quittin' time.
This guy made noise about the entire time we were in front of his cage. You would think that someone would shim up the door at some point to stop the rattlin'.
Denny with the Guinea pigs.
deppressing zoo